dimecres, 25 de maig del 2016

Mystery Classroom Activity

Hello everybody!

As we told you some days ago, 6th graders were preparing an online activity called "Mystery Classroom".

Click on the links to watch the development of the activity!

dimarts, 17 de maig del 2016

1st grade song: Parts of a house

Hello everybody!

The students of 1st grade are learning the different parts of a house.

If you want to see them singing, click on the following links! :)

dimarts, 10 de maig del 2016

Mystery Classroom 6th grade


6th graders are preparing a very motivating activity called "Mistery Classroom".

"Mistery Classroom" is an online activity were two different classrooms play together. We need to follow some specific rules in order to discover in which part of the world is placed the other class.

Could we guess where are they from? :)

Telling the time 5th grade

Dear 5th graders!

Here you have the web page with the games. You can practice how to tell the time in a very funny way!

Click on the picture to play!