dijous, 18 de desembre del 2014

Fashion Show! 2nd grade

Dear students!!

2n graders have become experts in clothes and they have prepare a fashion show for all of you!

They are brilliant models!!!

We hope you like the videos :)

divendres, 5 de desembre del 2014

Days of the week - 3rd grade

Dear 3rd graders!

Here you have the song to practice the days of the week! :)

Click on the link to watch the video.

See you on Tuesday! 


dimecres, 26 de novembre del 2014

Recipes! 5th grade

Hello everyone!!

Our mates of 5th grade are learning a lot about food.

To practice the vocabulary, they have recorded themselves making some delicious recipies... Here you have the results! We have some expert cookers now! :)

Here you have the links to see the videos!

Marc, Amirou and Xavier

Germán and Iker

Sara and Coumba

Ester and Nayara

Helena and Iván S.

Joel and Bruno

Alba and Iván R.

Johan and Carles

Iliass and Eduard

Yahya, Jonathan and Redouan


dimarts, 18 de novembre del 2014

All I want for Christmas is you - 6th grade

Dear students!

Here you have the videos of the song. The first one is the original version and the second one is the karaoke.

I hope you practice a lot!!!!


dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2014

Rudolph - 4th grade

Dear 4th graders,

Here you have the karaoke version of the song "Rudolph the red noised reindeer". Click on the picture to listen it!

Remember to practice it!!!!! 


dilluns, 13 d’octubre del 2014

Stop the clock - 5th grade

Dear 5th graders!

Here you have the "stop the clock" game to practice how to tell the time in english.

I hope you practice a lot for the exam! It's a good way to practice and study! ;)



divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014

The alphabet - 3rd grade

Dear 3rd graders!

Here you are the alphabet song... To listen it, you need to click on the alphabet picture.

I hope you like it and practice it! :)



dimarts, 2 de setembre del 2014

Hello everyone!!!

The new academic year is about to begin...... Here you have a great video that will give you energy for the next September 15th.

See you soon!!!! :D


dimarts, 29 d’abril del 2014

Nature Park vocabulary games - 3rd grade

Dear 3rd graders!

Here you are the vocabulary games of unit 5. 

I hope you play and learn a lot! :D

dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2014

Easter game!

Dear students,
Do you like playing computer games? Do you like Easter? Then click on the link and play this funny game! 

I hope you like it :)

And... happy Easter Holidays! ^_^

dimecres, 26 de març del 2014

Vocabulary games (from 3rd to 6th grade)

Dear students,
Here you have a web page with a lot of funny games and activities to learn and practice vocabulary. You can choose the topic that you want!

For 6th graders is a good way to practice for competències bàsiques.

Tell me... what's your favourite game? :)

 Click here to play!!!!

dilluns, 24 de març del 2014

Let's eat! 4th grade

Dear 4th graders,

Here you have the vocabulary games of the new unit. Let's play!!!


dijous, 20 de març del 2014

Unique buildings - 5th grade

Have you ever seen a restaurant inside a woman's skirt?

Have you ever seen a mosquee made of clay?

Can you imagine a big building with an embedded house on the top?

5th grade students have searched for information about unique buildings around the world. Here you have a poster with the result of their research!! :)

dilluns, 17 de març del 2014

The big numbers song - 4th grade

Hello students!

Here you have "the big numbers" song to practice numbers. Remeber!! You just need to learn numbers from 0 to 100 :)

divendres, 14 de març del 2014

Sports are great song - 3rd grade

Dear students!

Do you want to see our 3rd grade mates singing and dancing a nice song? 

Look at the videos and you will listen a lot of words related to sports.

And... CONGRATULATIONS to 3rd grade students for their great performances!!!! Nice job!!!!! :D


dijous, 13 de març del 2014

New look! :D

Dear students,
What do you think about the new look of our blog? Do you like it? :)
Leave your comments and share your opinion with the rest of the school!!

dimarts, 11 de març del 2014

Our city maps! 4th grade

Dear students!

Our mates of 4th grade have created some fantastic maps to practice the different places in the city.

In these videos they show us their maps...Which one is your favourite? 

Giving directions game - 5th grade

Hello 5th graders!

Now that you are experts in giving directions... Can you guess where am I?

You just need to follow the instructions...

The starting point is the parking lot. Turn right and go past Saturn Hotel and Getaway car rental. Turn left. Cross Clark Street. Go straight on until the traffic lights. Turn left. Go past the library. I'm on the right! =)

dijous, 6 de març del 2014

Sports are great! 3rd grade

Dear 3rd graders!

Here you have a video with the song and the lyrics of the new song "Sports are great".

I hope you like it and practice our dance a lot! :D

dilluns, 24 de febrer del 2014

My town vocabulary 4th grade

Dear 4th graders!

Here you have the web page with the vocabulary of the unit. 

I hope you play and practice a lot! :)

dijous, 13 de febrer del 2014

Colours game 3rd grade

Dear 3rd graders!

Here you have a funny game to practice the name of the colours. Remember to choose "begginer" level first!

I hope you like it!!


dilluns, 3 de febrer del 2014

My city - 4th grade

Dear 4th grade students!

Here you have the basketball game!! Remember that you need to click on the right answer to throw the ball. You can also play "time challenge", but you need to be very fast! 

divendres, 31 de gener del 2014

Interesting facts about the Solar System 5th grade

In the last Science class, 5th graders were learning interesting facts about the Solar System. 

They had to answer 18 questions using the information that was written in small cards... and the cards were hidden all over the English clas!!!!

 It was a funny activity and they learnt a lot!


What's the time? 6th grade

6th graders!!

Here you have a web to practice the time in a funny way!! :D

Remember that you can choose the speed. Try to do it as fast as you can!!

dimecres, 29 de gener del 2014

Vocabulary Story World 3rd grade

Dear students!

Here you have a web with a lot of games to practice the new vocabulary. I hope you like it!!


dijous, 23 de gener del 2014

More competències!!! 6th grade

Dear 6th grade students!

Here you have another web to practice. In this web you can find A LOT of easy listenings. You can find also the text and you can read it while you are listening. 


dijous, 16 de gener del 2014

Competències Bàsiques - 6th grade


Dear 6th grade students!!!
Here you have a web page to practice reading and comprehension skills. You can find a lot of different topics and you can choose the difficulty. You can start with level 1-2 and then increase the difficulty.

It's a good way to get prepared for the Competències exam!! Don't be scared!! You just need to work hard ;)


dimecres, 15 de gener del 2014

Months Hangman - 4th grade

Dear 4th grade students!

Here you have the web page where you can practice the months playing HaNGMaN!

Let's play!!!! ;)


dijous, 9 de gener del 2014

The Solar System - 5th grade science

Dear students,
Here you have the web pages that we have visited in class. You can explore them and learn a lot of new things!

1) http://www.solarsystemscope.com/

2)  https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/index.cfm

Days of the week - 3rd grade

Hello everybody!
3rd grade students are working hard to learn a lot of new things: daily routines, the time and the days of the week.
Here you have a song that will help you to learn the days! :D


Birthday Calendar

In order to learn the months of the year, 4th grade students are making a Birthday Calendar. In pairs, they are drawing a picture related to each month: we have lots of hearts on February, flowers on April, happy kids in June (because the school is over! Hooray!!) and a nice Christmas tree on December.

You can see the process in the pictures! :)